Web Application Development 1

Lab-01a Semantic UI

Rebuild the web site using semantic-ui

Lab-01b Semantic UI

Continue to enhance the web site with additional Semantic-UI styles & Components

Lab-2 Glitch Intro

Create, modify and view your first Glitch project.

Lab-3 JS Intro

Background & Tools, Variables & Boolean Logic

Lab-4 Glitch Playlist 1

Import and run a new starter project. Extend this project to include multiple 'views'. Explore the handlebars templating library.

Lab-4 Gomix Playlist 2

Refactor the dashboard controller to show summary on of the playlists + link to show playlist details.

Exercise Solutions

This lab requires that the Glitch-playlist-1 lab be completed. If you have lost your solution, create a new project in Glitch and select the import from github option and enter bmullally/playlist1-complete to import a completed version.


Implement version 1 of the Gomark assignment.

Lab-5 Gomix Playlist 3

Enable Songs and Playlists to be added via simple forms.

Lab-6 JS Arrays

Array Basics, Array Methods & Iteration


Github Repo


Final version of the Assignment 1 Gomark application

Lab-8 Gomix Sessions

Introduce Sessions onto the Playlist application, enabling user accounts and cookie-based authentication.

Lab-10a Cloudinary Setup

Sign up and configure a Cloudinary Account.

Lab-10b gomix-picture-store

Build an application the can facilitate upload and display of images in Glitch.

Lab-9 JS Objects

Object basics and Object iteration.

Lab-11 Functions

Functions basics, function parameters & scope

Lab-12 Nested Objects

Nested Objects & Arrays